How to enable cookies in your browser


Internet Explorer 6.0 users

Internet Explorer 5.0/5.5 users

Netscape Communicator 7.02 users

Netscape Communicator 6.2 users



Internet Explorer 6.0 users

1.       Launch Internet Explorer.

2.       Click on the "Tools" menu option on the Menu Bar.

3.       Select "Internet Options"

4.       Click on the "Privacy" tab.

5.       Click the "Advanced" button.

6.       Select the "Override automatic cookie handling" checkbox.

7.       First-party Cookies should be set to "Accept"

8.       Third-party Cookies should be set to "Accept"

Select the "Always allow session cookies" checkbox.

This is what the settings should look like.




9.       Click "Ok"

10.    Click "Ok" to close Internet Options.

11.    Close Browser.

Restart Browser


Internet Explorer 5.0/5.5 Users


1.       Launch Internet Explorer.

2.       Click on the "Tools" menu option on the Menu Bar.

3.       Select "Internet Options"

4.       Locate the Security tab and left click.

5.       Click on Custom Level.

6.       Scroll down to the Cookies area and insure that ENABLE is highlighted in both options.

7.       Click "Ok" to close Internet Options.

8.       Close Browser.

  1. Restart Browser.

Netscape Communicator 7.02

1.       Click Edit in the browser tool bar

2.       Click Preferences

3.       click the arrow next to the Privacy & Security section.

4.       Click on the word Cookies in the menu that appears.

5.       Make sure the radio button Enable all Cookies is highlighted.

6.       Click Ok.

7.       Close Browser.

Restart Browser


Netscape Communicator 6.2

1.       Click Edit in the browser tool bar

2.       Click Preferences

3.       Click on "Privacy and Security"

4.       Click on "Enable all cookies"

5.       Click on "Advanced."

6.       Click on "Clear Memory Cache" and "Clear Disk Cache"

7.       Below the "Clear Disk Cache" button, make sure that the: "Compare the page in the cache to the page on the network," is highlighted on, "Every time I view the page"

8.       Close Browser.

  1. Restart Browser.